
Varicose vein doctor in Rockville: Diagnosing Vein Disease

Varicose vein doctor in Rockville Explains How Vein Disease Is Detected and Diagnosed

To get an idea of the incredible progress that medical science has made in the field of vascular medicine in recent decades, just look at how vein disease was diagnosed only a few years ago. At that time, if you suspected you had vein problems, you often had to go to a hospital, undergo general anesthesia, and submit to invasive and often painful diagnostic procedures just to find out whether you were sick.

Medical technology has come a long way since then, and the techniques used to diagnose vein disease are now nothing like this. Visualization technologies such as Doppler ultrasound allow vein experts in the Rockville area to look below the surface of the skin to get a clear picture of how well your veins are functioning without making a single incision, and without the need for anesthesia. In fact, a venous health screening at a top vein center in Montgomery County takes only about an hour, and is completely painless and non-invasive.

What a venous health screening is like – what to expect

As performed by Dr. Hamza Rana and his associates at Venous Health Centers, your vein health checkup starts with the doctor asking you to describe your symptoms, your medical history, and (because vein disease is hereditary) your family’s medical history. Dr. Rana may also ask questions about your general lifestyle, because factors such as whether you have given birth or are taking hormonal drugs or birth control pills, how much exercise you get, and whether you smoke all represent significant risk factors for vein disease.

This is usually followed by a general physical examination, during which the doctor assesses your overall health and then performs a number of non-invasive diagnostic tests based on your replies to the earlier questions.. Finally, if the initial questions indicate that you have a higher-than-normal risk of developing vein disease, the doctor will schedule Doppler ultrasound to examine your veins directly. Painless ultrasound scans allow your doctor to detect any structural abnormalities, but also allow him to see if blood is flowing properly through the veins, or whether there are obstructions such as blood clots that could be blocking the flow.

That’s it? I thought it would be more traumatic than that

Many people – especially those who have heard horror stories from their mothers about what vein treatment was like “in their day” – have fears about what to expect if they see a vein doctor. That’s why we write informative articles like this, to clear up misconceptions about vein disease and how it’s diagnosed.

If you’re happy to hear that the vein screenings are this fast and painless, you’ll probably be even happier to learn that actual treatment of vein diseases is equally fast and painless. The treatments we offer to eliminate varicose veins, spider veins, or dangerous blood clots can all be performed in the comfort of our vein clinic in the Rockville in about an hour, and with no need to ever go to a hospital or submit to invasive surgery.

So if you’re ready to find out the exact status of your vein health, just pick up a phone and give our Rockville vein specialist a call today at 301-637-3088 to set up an appointment for your own venous health screening. You’ll be happy you did.

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