
A Varicose Vein Doctor in Montgomery County Explains Where You’re Headed in the Next 5 Years if You Have Swollen Legs & Ankles

Swelling in the legs and ankles is a common symptom of chronic venous insufficiency. When your veins are no longer able to effectively move blood and other fluids out of your legs, these substances tend to settle downwards. The results are uncomfortable swelling in your legs and ankles. While swelling is merely annoying at first, according to our varicose vein doctor in Montgomery County, without treatment the issue can easily become much, much worse.

The long-term impact of swollen legs & ankles

When swollen legs and ankles are caused by an injury or overuse, the symptoms will resolve themselves within a few days. If the swelling is caused by vein disease, however, it will not simply go away. Instead, it will get worse, leaving you with legs that feel achy, tired, and uncomfortable.

Without vein disease treatment in Washington DC, in five years you’ll have a host of other potentially serious symptoms alongside your swollen legs and ankles. Poor circulation to the skin in this area can lead to changes in the skin’s texture and color, as well as poorly healing wounds known as ulcers. Venous ulcers are a serious problem and often do not heal until the underlying vein disease is addressed.

Living with the impaired circulation that leads to swollen legs and ankles also puts you at risk for deep vein thrombosis, a very dangerous type of blood clot that can lead to stroke, pulmonary embolism, and other potentially deadly complications. Deep vein thrombosis is difficult to detect without a vein specialist’s assistance, making early diagnosis and treatment of vein problems a must to avoid this complication.

The impacts of swollen legs and ankles aren’t just physical. Day after day of tired, aching, swollen feet can easily leave you feeling exhausted and depressed. You may find it difficult to enjoy activities you once loved, significantly reducing your quality of life.

Fortunately, there’s no reason to keep on living with swollen legs and ankles. Contact a top vein center in Montgomery County, such as Vein Health Centers, to receive diagnosis and treatment for your lingering swelling. We’ll help you get your legs back quickly, easily, and comfortably, so you’ll never need to know what five years of swollen legs and ankles really mean.

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