Tag: spider vein expert in Washington DC

Vein Clinic in Rockville, MD: Vein Treatment for Everyone

Title Case Study: How One Patient’s Life Changed After She Received Treatment from a Rockville Varicose Vein Doctor

Different patients have different responses to vein disease. Some may experience cosmetic issues, while others may suffer from discomfort, swelling, emotional distress, and lifestyle limitations. One patient who decided to seek out a Rockville varicose vein doctor for treatment saw improvements in all of these areas, and more.

Eliza’s experience with one of the top vein clinics in the Washington DC metro area

When Eliza first came to Venous Health Centers, she had been living with bulging varicose veins for years. Recently, though, she’d also experienced noticeable swelling in her legs, and with it enough discomfort to keep her from playing tennis and walking her dog. When she realized that what she thought was a cosmetic problem was keeping her from enjoying many of the things she loved most about her life, she made an appointment with Dr. Hazma Rana.

After a thorough evaluation of Eliza’s condition, Dr. Rana recommended endovenous radiofrequency treatment. This treatment closes off problematic veins by applying heat from a tiny laser. Eliza underwent this minimally invasive procedure in her nearest Venous Health Centers office and was able to get up and move around on her own within an hour of her treatment’s completion.

Almost immediately after receiving treatment, Eliza saw changes in how her legs looked and felt. She no longer felt fatigued and in pain, and she saw a dramatic reduction in swelling. She later told us she felt more confident about how she looked, and no longer felt the need to wear long pants at all times. Within a few weeks her varicose veins had almost entirely disappeared from view, leaving Eliza with the energy and confidence to enjoy new life experiences.

If your experiences with vein disease echo Eliza’s at the beginning of her story, it’s time to find relief. Consulting with a varicose vein or spider vein expert in Washington DC allows you to better understand your veins and gives you options for vein disease relief. To get started, contact Venous Health Centers at (301) 670-3000. We look forward to hearing from you!

Washington DC Vein Disease Treatment on a Budget

Venous Health Centers Releases New Article on Getting Washington DC Vein Disease Treatment on a Budget

Washington DC Vein Disease Treatment on a Budget
Washington DC Vein Disease Treatment on a Budget

October 3, 2015. Washington DC. Venous Health Centers is pleased to announce the publication of a new article exploring tactics to help patients receive the quality Washington DC vein disease treatment they need while sticking to a budget. According to the Washington DC metro area vein clinic, vein disease affects millions of Americans each year, many of whom hesitate to seek treatment due to financial concerns. The center hopes this new article empowers patients to receive treatment while working within a budget.

Dr. Hazma Rana, noted spider vein expert in Washington DC, explains that “fortunately, many insurance companies are starting to realize the benefits of treating vein disease early on. More and more providers are covering vein disease treatment, and yours might as well. Most vein centers understand that navigating your insurer’s procedures isn’t always straightforward, which is why many are happy to communicate with your insurer for you to find out if your treatment is covered.”

The center stresses the importance of treating vein disease early in order to avoid more dangerous complications. For more information on treating vein disease on a budget, and many other vein related topics, visit the Venous Health Centers website: https://www.venoushealthcenters.com//


Varicose Vein Treatment Options

Varicose veins and spider veins are both common problems among adults in the United States. They affect over 30 million people of both sexes, although women are more likely to experience them than men. Varicose veins are the larger of the two issues, appearing as twisted, bluish veins raised above the skin. Spider veins are smaller and take on a web-like appearance.

Safe and effective vein treatments are available for both spider and varicose veins. These treatments include sclerotherapy, microphlebectomy, and endovenous radiofrequency ablation. All of these procedures have the benefit of being minimally invasive, allowing them to be performed on an outpatient basis in the doctor’s office. These treatments help to restore both the beauty and the health of the legs while minimizing downtime and discomfort.

About Venous Health Centers

Venous Health Centers is a leading cardiovascular practice serving the Washington DC metro area. Venous Health Centers offers the latest in minimally invasive procedures to successfully treat the widest variety of patients and conditions such as spider and varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, and venous ulcers. The center is led by Dr. Hamza Rana, an established vein specialist and one of the only physicians in the Washington DC and Monterrey County area with the honor of holding board certification from both the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine and the American Board of Vascular Medicine. Dr. Rana and the Venous Health Centers medical team are dedicated to providing comprehensive venous care tailored to suit individual medical needs and outcome goals. Patients can look forward to fast, easy treatment options that allow for healthier bodies and happier lives free from vein disease.

Venous Health Centers